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How to choose a domain name for your business

Choosing a domain name for your website for your business

February 06, 20247 min read

A domain name isn't just an online address; it's the cornerstone of your digital identity. It's essential for establishing a strong, memorable online presence.

What is a Domain name?

A domain name is essentially your address on the internet. It's the web address that people type into a browser to find your website. Just like a physical address directs people to your home, a domain name guides them to your website.

How Does a Domain Name Work?

When you type a domain name in your web browser, it triggers a process that locates the server where the website is hosted. Each domain name corresponds to a unique IP address, which is a series of numbers that computers use to identify each other on the internet. Since remembering long strings of numbers can be difficult, domain names were created to use words instead, making it easier for humans to remember and access websites.

What's in Your Domain Name?

A domain name is split into several parts. Let's break it down:

  • Top-Level Domain (TLD): This is the part at the end of a domain, like '.com' or '.org'.

  • Second-Level Domain (SLD): The name you choose, such as 'Google' in ''.

  • Subdomain: A subdivision of the main domain, like ''.

  • See mind map below for all the other things in your domain name:

    Chart showing all the elements of a domain name

Why is a Domain Name Important?

  1. Identity: Your domain name is a key part of your online identity and brand. It's how your audience finds you and remembers you.

  2. Credibility: A professional domain name can instantly give your site credibility and portray your business as well-established and professional.

  3. SEO: While it's just one of many factors, a good domain name can have positive implications for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

  4. Marketing: Domain names are vital for marketing. A memorable and relevant domain name can be a powerful tool in your marketing strategy, helping to build brand recognition.

You cannot have a public (live) website without a domain name.

Your domain name is your unique identifier. Without it, you're practically invisible.

Choosing the right domain name is an art form. The perfect domain name sets the tone for your business and attracts the right audience.

A domain name is much more than a mere web address. It's a pivotal part of your brand's identity. A poorly chosen domain can confuse your audience, water down your brand, and negatively impact your search rankings. Don't panic! We're here to guide you in picking a domain name that not only embodies your brand but also enhances your online presence and drives traffic.

In this post, we'll dive into key strategies for selecting a domain name that aligns with your brand, captivates your audience, bolsters your credibility online and what to do if your name isn't available.

Choosing Your Domain Name

1. Keep it Simple and Memorable

Simplicity is paramount. A successful domain name should be easy to remember and spell. Steer clear of slang or complex words. The simpler, the more memorable. Think of major websites like Google, Amazon, eBay – their domain names are concise, catchy, and effortless to recall.

2. Reflect Your Brand

Your domain name should mirror your brand. If it's a personal blog, consider your own name. For businesses, opt for a name that captures your brand's essence. This alignment ensures your domain name is an extension of your brand, aiding in recognition and recall.

3. Avoid Hyphens and Numbers

Hyphens and numbers can lead to confusion. They make spelling more complicated and could result in typos, diverting potential visitors. Stick to letters for clarity and ease. Or, you will spend the rest of your business life saying that's nine-nine in numbers. It works the same for hyphens...

4. Use the Appropriate Domain Extension

While .com remains the most sought-after, don't shy away from others like .net, .org, or sector-specific ones like .tech. Be mindful, though, as some extensions may carry specific implications, so choose one that suits your business and resonates with your audience.

5. Think Global

Does the domain name you want work globally? A name that's easy to pronounce and understand in multiple languages can broaden your reach. Avoiding words that might cause confusion or have unintended meanings in other languages is key. This brings us to the cautionary tale of a US-based company formerly known as Nonce.

Nonce, a term used in mathematics, seemed like a clever choice for a fintech company. However, in the UK, 'nonce' is slang for a paedophile, a fact the company was unaware of.

"They did what?" asks the tiger, staring at the screen in disbelief

As you can imagine, this led to an embarrassing and dire situation once the company expanded its presence to the UK market. Social media had a field day, and the company faced ridicule, backlash and a slew of viral memes. This highlights a critical point: sometimes, what works in one culture can be disastrous in another.

The belief that there's no such thing as bad publicity didn't hold up in this scenario. The negative connotations associated with their name in the UK overshadowed any potential brand message they intended to convey. Realising the gravity of the situation, the company rebranded to Nibbl. This story underlines the importance of thorough research and cultural sensitivity when choosing a domain name. Your domain name should not only resonate with your target audience but also avoid causing offense or confusion in different cultural contexts.

6. Check for Trademark Infringement

Before settling on your domain name, ensure it doesn't infringe on any existing trademarks. This step is vital to avoid legal issues and guarantees your domain name is unique and distinct. 10 minutes here can save you a fortune in rebranding. Again, this is something we learned from experience when we launched a site called Cheap eBay Couriers. For us, it was a search term. For eBay it was trademark infringement. They were very good with us, for which we are grateful, however... Other brands may not be so understanding.

Your domain name is your identity in the online world. It's how your audience finds and remembers you. By adhering to these guidelines, you can select a domain name that's not just effective and memorable but also strengthens your presence in the digital sphere.

How to Choose a Domain Name When Yours Is Already Taken

Finding out your business name is already taken as a domain can be a real headache. It's like preparing to open a shop and finding someone else has already taken the perfect spot. This isn't just an inconvenience; it can impact your brand's online presence. But don't worry, we've got you covered with some clever strategies.

1. Add a Prefix or Suffix

Adding a small twist can make all the difference. Consider prefixes like 'my', 'the', or suffixes like 'online', 'shop'. For instance, if '' is taken, try ''. This slight change keeps your brand's essence and makes the domain unique.

2. Use a Different Domain Extension

There's a world beyond '.com'. Explore other Top-Level Domains (TLDs) like .net, .biz, or even .store and .shop for businesses. If '' is taken, '' might be available. Plus, different extensions can be memorable in their own right.

3. Incorporate Your Location

Adding your location can localise your brand. If you're a local business, this can actually work in your favour. '' might be taken, but '' adds a local touch, which can be a boost for SEO too.

4. Abbreviate or Modify the Name

Get creative and play around with abbreviations. Maybe '' isn't available, but '' could be. This not only solves your problem but also creates a catchy and memorable domain name.

5. Consider a Descriptive Phrase

Tell a story or describe what you do. If direct names are taken, try a phrase that describes your service or product. Instead of '', how about ''? It's descriptive and instantly tells customers what you offer.

While it might seem complete pain at first, finding an alternative domain name can be an opportunity to get creative and stand out. Remember, the right domain name is out there. It just might need a little tweaking to perfectly capture your brand's essence.

Kevin's signature enhanced with orange tiger claw slashes. They're in orange

P.S. We recommend for getting your domain name. If you're booking a website you will get more details in your email. Remember to check your spam filter if you don't see it straightaway.

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